Energy management

Připravili jsme pro Vás článek o Energy managementu v anglickém jazyce. Hospodaření s energií je důležité pro ochranu životního prostředí a je to také bezpochyby důležitá ekonomická záležitost vaší firmy.

Výhodou je nižší spotřeba energie a tím i šetření financí na nezbytné náklady a investice.

Energy management includes planning and operation of energy production and energy consumption units. Objectives are resource conservationclimate protection and cost savings, while the users have permanent access to the energy they need. 

Energy Management Services

  • Fabrication of documents
  • Managing media consumption
  • Regular reports on energy consumption
  • Selection of media supplier
  • Regular readings
  • Comparison of actual and contractual values, and their evaluation

Energy strategies of companies

Many companies are trying to promote its image and time protect the climate through a proactive and public energy strategy. General Motors (GM) strategy is based on continuous improvement. Furthermore they have six principles: e.g. restoring and preserving the environment, reducing waste and pollutants, educating the public about environmental conservation, collaboration for the development of environmental laws and regulations.

Nokia created its first climate strategy in 2006. The strategy tries to evaluate the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of products and operations and sets reduction targets accordingly. Furthermore, their environmental efforts is based on four key issues: substance management, energy efficiency, recycling, promoting environmental sustainability.

The energy strategy of Volkswagen (VW) is based on environmentally friendly products and a resource-efficient production according to the "Group Strategy 2018". Almost all locations of the Group are certified to the international standard ISO 14001 for environmental management systems.

When looking at the energy strategies of companies it is important to you have the topic greenwashing in mind. This is a form of propaganda in which green strategies are used to promote the opinion that an organization's aims are environmentally friendly.


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